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1934 Big Bad Wolf clock with original display box

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (141 items)

    Here’s a 1934 Big Bad Wolf clock with it’s original display box . The box is much rarer than the clock I have only seen less than 10 of them. It’s missing a piece of red cardboard that fits around the face of the clock. Thanks for looking hope you enjoy.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      Just what little kids needed to get them in a panic about monsters under the bed or in the closet…just put the Big Bad Wolf with the sharp fangs by the bed and turn off the lights! I know I would have been yelling for my mama. ;^)
      Very special tho, especially with the box…I really do love it! (As an adult). :^)
    2. WARWAGON64 WARWAGON64, 3 years ago
      nice to see you and the clock are still around
    3. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 3 years ago
      Thank you still here collecting maybe will post more soon
    4. Edjunior1971, 3 years ago
      Mickeysmagic, that is awesome I had no Idea the box looked like that. I have never seen one!! I have 2 of the clocks but definitely no box!!!
    5. Edjunior1971, 3 years ago
      Mickeysmagic, that is awesome I had no Idea the box looked like that. I have never seen one!! I have 2 of the clocks but definitely no box!!!
    6. mcheconi mcheconi, 3 years ago
      this is a I officially envy you :)
    7. WARWAGON64 WARWAGON64, 3 years ago
      Is kerry still alive
    8. mickeysmagic mickeysmagic, 3 years ago
      Yes Kerry is alive and well he is retired now. From what I know is that someone on CW was being insulting to him about his knowledge of watches and timepieces so he decided to go to a different venue but still dose not post as much as he used to

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