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Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Railroad Lantern

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Railroad Lanterns and Lamps241 of 250New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio RR Railroad LanternERIE Railway Co. Railroad Lanterns
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (26 items)

    Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia brass top bellbottom railroad lantern made by the Buffalo Steam Gauge & Lantern Co., around 1875. This lantern is unique among BSG&L lanterns of this era because it has a narrow, as well as taller than usual chimney made specifically for a 6-inch globe with a small diameter top. The brass top style contours are typical of SG&L lanterns, but the diameter is smaller. The flashed ruby globe is 6-inches tall and is cast with BNY&P in a rectangular panel, matching the lantern marking. The oil fount is a two-tab, Sangster spring style with a wide, pick-wick burner and a purple velvet wick, all original.

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