Posted 3 years ago
(3472 items)
As promised the Americans this time. But I can't decide which photos to use so I may have to make another post. I did warn of this on Matchbox Monday.
I think the figures were originally marines but they seem to work as well as US Army figures. It is a bit of a mixed lot here as they are not color matched. Also there is a set of tan figures too in the same poses. Marx had unending variations on their playsets.
Now I need to find my other set of Marx US Army men and then add the trree stumps and other pieces of scenery from the prehistoric set and make a proper battlefield. That and som Auburn rubber tanks. It will be epic.
These are all great. I really like the setting in pic #2.
Thank you very much again Scott.
Great scenes playing out here !~
Thank you very much Phil. More to come next week I hope.