Posted 3 years ago
(1503 items)
This 2 1-4"W pair of fish design brooch have textured green lucite bodies, white rhinestone faces & blue cab eyes, on goldtone. By Kenneth Jay Lane from the 90s
Happy Birthday CW Pisces friends, a special shout to my friend Pascale-kyratango, have a most fabulous year!!
Oh, I do love this little kissing fish brooch!!
These are great! Nice find!
Gorgeous jadite looking stone on these romantic fish !~
Kissing fish- I love them! They look so romantic too(also suitable for Valentine’s Day!) I also think there may be a species of fish that DO actually kiss? Are they called gouramis? Whatever they are, yours makes me think of them!
Ok this is a very nice brooch. Being born a Fish (Feb) it surely does appeal to me. Very nice Jenni.
Thank you very much for the love everyone
Scott I am delighted that you love this pair of kissing fish, it's such a cute KJL design as he was always prone to the whimsical. Thank you for your great comment
Thanks MrsT for your lovely comment, glad you enjoyed these fish & you are right, this was a good find for me as I'm always on the lookout for animals represented in astrology, they're not easy to find esp a nice pair of fish, but courtesy the talented Mr Lane here they are :)
Phil the faux jadite bodies are really perfect aren't they, I love their crosshatch texture as well. Thank you for your ever wonderful praise
You know Lauren, I did not know about gourami fish & had to look on the 'net, you are right they're called the kissing fish but the reason is not romantic - they are males challenging other males territorially! Though small they are aggressive similar to Siamese fighting fish - I had some of those as a girl, kept in separate containers or they would kill each other, but such lovely and colorful fish. I'm sure the designer meant this brooch to be romantic tho, his are too pretty to be locked in battle right! Thank you for your always fabulous and insightful comment you teach me so much :)
Hello Piscean Lori, I am very glad to meet another CW Pisces here! I think you had mentioned you love blue-green colors and that is perfect for Pisces, the colors of the ocean. My fave color is purple which suits Sagittarius, love all its shades & painted my bedroom lavender as a teen. Thank you for your super comment, I hope you had or will have a great BD with good health and good fortune in the year ahead
Thanks Bruce and Mary for the love for my KJL double fish, you are both so kind and I'm very happy you enjoyed this pair
Very grateful for the love for these fish vintagelamp, thank you so much for your kindness
Thanks Searching and rancherswife for the love for this pair of KJL kissing fish, you are both so nice and I am always grateful for your kind consideration
Thanks Daisy & vinetia for the love for this pair of fish, very glad you liked them and always appreciate your kind consideration
Thank you Bernard for the thoughtful love for my KJL fish duo, it's always truly appreciated & glad you liked it