Posted 3 years ago
(183 items)
Hi I bought this bear today but have no idea of make, he is fully jointed and heavy, he has a working growler, does anybody have any idea of make and year please , he has a little button tail and feels very hard
What material are the eyes? Might help narrow it down..
It’s got no eyes, the lady said they were glass
It looks like possibly Hermann or Steiff?
There seems to be the remnant of a yellow tag at the basis of the ear. If this is the case, it is most probably Steiff.
If it is heavy, I think it must be old, possibly filled with excelsior? How does it feel? Does it feel hard?
I’ve not got got it yet, but the lady said it’s heavy
Do u think it’s steiff or hermann
Hi got him today, he feels hard, he has a working growler, no button or tags
Do you think Diem
It is possible that he is a Diem, but I don't know for sure. A pity he has lost his eyes because they could have helped in identifying him. Diem bears had eyes that were a bit different, almost yellow rather than the usual amber eyes.