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Fenton Glass songbird

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1499 items)

    Here is a 4"W green glass songbird made by the Fenton Glass Co ca late 90s-early 00s, with raised logo imprint on lower back

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 3 years ago
      Fenton pieces are great quality!
    2. Cisum Cisum, 3 years ago
      "And The Songbirds Sing..Like They Know The Score"-'Songbird'..Fleetwood Mac.

    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      This little guy is so happily smiling in his own paradise, a beaute !
    4. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 3 years ago
      Cute little green bird! He reminds me of those little olive/green birds...I think they may be coal tits? They have black and white on them too? I love his pose, he looks so sweet and curious- maybe he's sitting on the edge of a bird bath or feeder?!
    5. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      What a pretty little glass songbird!!!
    6. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      With thanks to everybody for the kind love

      Thank you MrsT for your super comment and observ about Fenton quality, you are so right their glass animals are so well formed and lovely, whether plain or painted. This songbird came in many colors but I chose green for St Patrick's

      Thomas I love 'Songbird' by Fleetwood Mac, thank you for that beautiful lyric & great comment! The band was like a shooting star, not together long but their songs were fabulous, you know they're one of my favorites :)

      Thanks so much Phil for your marvelous praise, it is certainly a happy looking birdie and seems to be singing a Spring song to herald Spring's beginning this weekend. I couldn't be happier to see this cold winter go away!

      Lauren you're absolutely right, I looked up the coal tit bird and found it's very similar to the American chickadee which certainly resembles this chubby little glass bird - it's one of my very favorites, has a beautiful mournful two-note song and is the most amusing feeder bird, it drops down vertically as if falling from the sky, and disappears just as quickly! Thank you for your fantastic praise & keen perception

      Thanks Scott for your fab compliment & seeing the pretty in this lil bird, it reminds me of the lovely birds I am beginning to see in my yard as the weather warms up - today, both a red breasted robin and crested bluejay were feeding close together on the ground, when I always thought them mortal enemies! I whistled to them which intrigued the robin but frightened away the normally bold loud jay :)

      Searching thank you so much for your wonderful praise and also finding this bird pretty, I was so glad to find a variety of Fenton bird that hadn't been posted here previously, including many of mine. To me this bird has the sweetest upturned face, almost chick-like and super cute, and I'm so happy you liked it too :)
    7. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks Cokeman and vintagelamp for the thoughtful love for this Fenton bird, it's very kind of you both & most gratefully appreciated :)
    8. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Many thanks Daisy for the love for this Fenton green bird, I chose him for St Patrick's green last week and hope you had a festive day!
    9. racer4four racer4four, 3 years ago
      Such a sweetie and in a very unusual green. Your American glass always has such beautiful colours Jenni!
    10. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks Karen for your fantastic praise & love for this lil birdie, I know this is such an odd green, sort of grassy, but it's always nice to find a different shade of a color. I'm really glad you enjoy my American glass animals, I do try to keep mixing some in but it's harder & harder to find some I haven't posted already (!) so I have to broaden my scope, you are always my champion about my animal choices dear friend :)

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