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Scratchbuilt PRR Cabin Cars, 1/29th Scale

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G Scale Trains1 of 7DURANGO EXPRESS G GAUGE TRAIN SET #37240Scratch Built PRR B6sb 0-6-0, G Scale
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (63 items)

    Represented here are a few examples of my first attempts at scratchbuilding in G Scale, circa 2003. From left to right, in order of them being built. First is the N5b class. That was a learning curve on what I could do with styrene, my preferred media. Went well enough to continue the cabin car series. Next to be built was the N6b class. It represents an older wooden car built in the early 1900's but seen here representive of the mid 1950's era. The next was the last cabin car type built by the PRR in 1950-51, the N8 class. Not sure but this may be my most favorite of these 4 classes. Lastly, a war time era built car, the N5c. Lionel made this car famous with what seems millions were made.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Very impressive work.
    2. K45389, 3 years ago
      Thanks, Fort

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