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two small antique photographs in frames

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Photographs201 of 5218Grandpa's graduation gift. Return To Fantasy Island The Los Angeles County Arboretum Queen Anne Cottage
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    The Lady with the Big Hat is 5-3/4" long overall, the photo is matted within the gold painted wooden frame with screw eyes to hang it, one now pulled out but still on the doubled cotton string. Looks like there was once a black paper backing now nearly gone but for remains still glued to the wood.

    The Young Man wearing a Coat is holding pages/pictures of something in his hands while presumably seated. I cannot tell if that is a furry animal also in his lap or just a 'throw' of some sort even when looking at it with a magnifying glass -- it *could* be a cat, maybe, the sorta darker part of that on the LH side *kinda*, *might*, *possibly* be a face in all that fur somewhere -- I just can't tell. Likewise there's a little white thing showing on his jacket or out of a pocket -- is it a little *bird*, or just a 'handkerchief in an odd place'???

    Frankly, to me looking at it now, both questions are nearly akin to the way people sometimes "see faces" in random rocks or clouds or tree branch stumps...but what do y'all see in there with him?? His frame is 4" long, made of stamped brass with brass backing and tabletop stand affixed, and his glass is convex.

    From an estate of people I never knew, neither has any visible markings whatsoever. I don't know their age though they easily look old enough to be 'genuine' antique to me, and I *certainly* don't have the slightest idea *who* the people were. (presuming 'past tense' is appropriate, anyway...?) I have not (yet?) attempted to disassemble either one.

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