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two railroad track spikes and an anchor

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    These three are *not* destined for my rust garden. They are two spikes and a rail anchor clamp -- absolutely common rusty things to be found anywhere there are railroad tracks, discarded alongside the right-of-ways usually in quantities of more than anybody ever wants to pick up and carry away. Others just like them exist in the rust garden already, for that matter.

    What makes *these three* a slight bit more unusual is the fact that all three are NEW and UNUSED, wearing the original iron metal finish they would have come from their foundry with. THAT'S different for me anyway, I've never had NEW ones before?? :-) :-) :-)

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      Well, everyone deserves something new every now and then. ;^)
      I’ve never seen an anchor before.
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      Very cool!! I too have never seen an anchor until now.
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much to vetraio50, Watchsearcher, Newfld, jscott0363, fortapache, Alfie21, Vynil33rpm, Ben, and dav2no1 for your quick <love it>s and comments! I've gotta admit I didn't really know what the RAIL ANCHOR was either -- I've seen those things (or similar) for years without ever understanding how they were used.

      Turns out they are meant to be clamped onto the underside of the wide bottom part of the rail on either side of a crosstie (such that they don't completely 'show' normally) and are intended to help keep the rail from moving (or "creeping") in a *lengthwise* direction, especially near inclines, bridges, and grade crossings. Diagrams that show how they are used can be found on this website of a Chinese manufacturer of such things.

      Ain't it FUN to (finally!) learn stuff...???! <lolol>
    4. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      That was interesting reading….I had no idea such a thing was used.
    5. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 3 years ago
      Nice Spike,,,
      I sure hope Hand piercing
      doesn’t become a thing
      imagine how painful it
      must’ve been

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