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WELLER POTTERY RARITY Weller Theatre Double Light Sconces

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (120 items)

    I purchased these four wall sconces recently near Zanesville Ohio. The seller said he had them for over 30 yrs, had intended to install them in his home but never did. He purchased them from his landlord who was an antique dealer (seller lived in the former butler's house behind the large Zanesville estate house then owned by his landlord/antique dealer). The landlord/dealer said they came out of the Weller Theatre when it was demolished in 1963. These light fixtures are 12" long and very heavy. They are matte green, obviously, with a floral design. Samuel A. Weller, founder/owner of Weller Pottery built the Weller Theatre, from all accounts a magnificent theatre. He or his architect or designer would have certainly special ordered these from Weller Pottery. I am hoping to research further to find photos showing these in the theatre, design plans, further documentation. For now, they can be admired as surviving art pottery of the age of the grand theatre! I hope you art pottery lovers enjoy seeing these. I welcome comments & further information anyone may have. Thank you!

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