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1970 Honda 70 Mini Trail

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (677 items)

    Today I was out at the Mecum Auction in Indianapolis, Indiana at the fairgrounds and I bought a 1970 Honda 70 Mini Trail just like the one I had back when I was 14 years old. Buying a great memory from back in the day. Same color just like the one I had. It’s been raining all day and waiting for the sun to come take and take it for a spin.

    May 21, 2022 with some help from some friends I rode the Honda 70 Mini Trail home from Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park. New battery and spark plug and she runs great.


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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      Wow!! It was every little boy’s dream to own one of these when I was a kid. Nice one Michael!!
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Bet it cost a lot more today..
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 3 years ago
      You must get more from SS than I do ! LOL
    4. neat.old.stuff neat.old.stuff, 3 years ago
      Fun memories..... I was younger when I saved up enough for my Honda 50 mini trail. A cousin had a 70. Lots of Fun!!
    5. officialfuel officialfuel, 3 years ago
      jscott0363, dav2no1, blunderbuss2 and neat.old.stuff thank you for stopping by and commenting. I paid $200.00 back when I was 14 years old working on the farm. A lot more now but that’s ok. blunderbuss2 I get a fortune from S.S.! LOL! My parents had no money back in the day so my brother and I worked on the farm and saved our money that’s why today I really take great care of things that I buy. No one has ever helped me buy them. I’m sure you all understand and again thank you for all the people that have stopped and showed the love and the nice comments! Always appreciate all of you!! :-)

    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 3 years ago
      I'm 76 and still trying to decide what I'm going to be when I grow up. Have 3 bikes right now and ride everyday.
    7. officialfuel officialfuel, 3 years ago
      blunderbuss2 your 10 years older than me. Age is only a number! I hope you never grow up and continue having fun!! Be safe on the bikes!! :-)

    8. Oroyoroycanyousing, 3 years ago
      great for a beer run .... '-))

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