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CRAGAR G/T mag wheel centercap

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Here's a recent acquisition from a sister-in-law who 'dug it up' under her deck, where it's honestly probably laid for years. :-)

    It was thus up top on a table for me to notice it and ask if she wanted it, then it came home with me. ;-) :-)

    It IS, for those of us like me that are of a certain age, the center cap that would have completed a CRAGAR Mag Wheel -- the classic epitome of chrome aftermarket "racing wheels" popular as auto accessories on any self respecting "hot rod" since the 1960's at least, especially before the relatively recent trends towards often fancier, often oversize (in some dimension if not all) such wheels and tires.

    This one shows its age by a few relatively minor blemishes in its chrome, also by the rusted remains of whatever exact sort of spring bracket used to fasten it to its wheel. The chrome blemishes actually aren't/weren't that uncommon on the rims themselves despite the heavy plating, which is still over aluminum or some other non-steel metal that's prone to that.

    For the record I've never owned a vehicle with a set...they were too new/expensive when I would have wanted them (1970's-80's) and now I generally prefer nice 'factory wheels' instead... :-) :-) :-)


    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      Very cool!! I once had a 1974 Pontiac Grand Prix SJ with a 455 big block engine and it had a set of Cragar chrome mag wheels on it. I loved that car, but it stopped at every red light and took a good long drink and got a whopping 8 miles to the gallon:)
    2. Falcon61, 3 years ago
      1964: Cragar Equipment Company founded by Roy Richter.

      1964: Cragar Super Sport Wheel introduced and quickly gains a prominent position in the custom wheel industry.

      I've owned a few sets in the 60s. Then I switched to Keystone Klassics in the 70s.

      Now there's a million different aftermarket wheels to choose from. The current factory wheel selections are quite nice.

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