Posted 3 years ago
(343 items)
We bought this beauty about a month ago for U$ 40 in the shop “Ayer y Hoy” from Riga family in Tucuman street. I wanted something in neodymium glass for a long time and finally found one. The cut pattern is very well done and the pictures does not catch the brightness of the thick glass. Neodymium glass is often lilac coloured in normal daylight and changes to a pale-blue under fluorescent light. I tried to catch this with pictures. I think it is from Scotland Caithness but not sure. On CW there are several neodymium glass items but not one in glass cut with a similar pattern. Does anyone any idea of the origin?
Thanks for your kind commetsg
Neodymium is one of my favorite types of glass!
Fabulous cut glass dish, beautiful form & love that neodymium color change
Beautiful it..
I know that I have seen a lot of glass from China that has this or these colourings and that the crystal pineapples I have in this colour are usually beyond beautiful !~
Very beautiful!!!
thanks for loving and commenting, thanks a lot you meke me so happy dav2no1, vetraio50, mp.kunst, Reise, kwqd, vcal, Oroyoroycanyousing, BHIFOS, Inky, Jscotto363, Newfld, searching1 and PhilDMorris and fortapache.
thanks blunderbuss2 for the love
Very pretty find!
Thanksso much Mrstyndall for the comment
thanks Cisum for the love
Thanks a lot for looking and loving sklo42, freiheit and SEAN68
thanks for looking and loving Tamasue and Deano