Posted 3 years ago
(1491 items)
Here is a 3 1-2"H blue glass teddy bear with bow at the neck, made by Boyd Glass in the 1980s. The bear's name was Fuzzy, and this color is Boyd's Cambridge Blue. B in diamond imprint on lower back in 4th photo
Gorgeous piece of glass to treasure, wonder what the price was when they came out?
Lovely little bear, that shade of blue is a bit darker than the usual baby blue but also very soft and appropriate too?
He'd make a lovely shelf decoration for a child's nursery alright, but high up and safe from little hands! ;)
love the color.....
Fuzzy is extremely cute!
Beautiful color :)
Special thanks to you all for the love
Thanks Phil for your fabulous praise and that's a good question! Haven't seen the orig prices on these animals, my guess is under $15 each as that is the range Pilgrim Glass (a competitor) charged for their glass animals. Today of course their value has increased quite a bit, though there are always good deals to be found online
Lauren thank you for your terrific comment, this bear would certainly be a nice decoration in a little boy's room on a safe shelf. The blue is a bit deeper than baby blue but agreed it's soft and I like the aqua tint
Thank you Scott for seeing the cuteness in Fuzzy, the very name says "adorable" :) Boyd was very creative naming their glass animals, i.e. Skippy the dog, Tommy the tiger cub etc., it's nice they gave them kind of pet's names. Marvelous comment thank you so much
BoBo and Trey, thank you for your great compliments about this color blue, it is a very pretty soothing shade. It must have been special to Boyd Glass because they named it Cambridge blue and their plant was based in Cambridge MA, so it sort of honors their town. Boyd was one glassmaker that used tons of different glass hues, they came out with a new list every year, and their blues range from deep cobalt to pale sky, plus their marbleized slag blues
Thank you kivatinitz for loving this blue glass teddy bear, I'm so happy that you liked it and your thoughtfulness means so much
What a cutie and lovely color!
Thank you MrsT for your super compliment & love for this 'beary' cute little fellow, very glad you enjoyed him & always appreciate your kindness
Thank you Falcon for the thoughtful love for this lil Boyd glass bear, really glad that you liked it and always grateful for your kindness
Thanks so much NaVi for the love for this Boyd glass bear, really happy that you liked this & always grateful for your thoughtful consideration