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Victorian Thomas Webb & Sons large cameo glass bottle vase

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (949 items)

    Last week I shared a story about a Rindskopf vase. This is a kind of continuation of that story, because some of you may recall that I mentioned going back to the shop for one more item.
    This one, well, I first saw it in 2019, & at various times, I thought about buying it. Then, what with lockdowns & all the rest over the last couple of years, I didn't get around to it. Last week, I noticed it was still there, & decided to go for it - 50% off was a super incentive to finally make my mind up.
    This is a large bottle shaped vase made from a very thick base layer of amber coloured glass overlaid with white. It measures 34 cm tall, 3.5 cm across the polished top rim, & 6 cm across the base. The cameo decoration features a design of strawberries & foliage. The reverse shows a design of grass.
    When I took this over to the counter, the owner couldn't help but laugh because she'd seen me dithering over it for years. She knew I'd come back for it!
    Last photo shows it with another Webb cameo vase, purchased from the same shop in 2019. The long & the short of it, perfectly illustrated in glass.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      I love Webb cameo— wish I had more!

      Sounds like it was a bargain.

      Thanks for sharing these two beauties!

    2. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Many thanks, Scott!
      It was indeed a good deal...even before the 50% reduction it was a good deal. Just that it is SO big & I tend to struggle with acquiring large items...smaller things are far easier to accommodate. I feel very fortunate to now own two pieces of Webb cameo!
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 3 years ago
      Gee, I wish I had one. It has always eluded me. Congratulations!!!
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      It's a beauty!! Don't you love it when the stars line up and everything falls in place, like the 50% off sale? Nice find!!
    5. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Thanks so much Kevin - hope you can find one!
    6. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Many thanks, Scott!
      Yes, I was so fortunate with this. And another special memory of this was like something out of another time, & I'll sincerely miss both the old world atmosphere & the dealer who presided over it, who made it such a unique place.
    7. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      Fantastic! What a great second part of the story! This is a wonderful piece Marin. I haven’t seen one with strawberries before, and I am so glad you were finally able to make it yours! :)
    8. sklo42 sklo42, 3 years ago
      I wish I had one too! However that doesn't change my delight that that you have two examples of cameo glass. I particularly love the bottle vase, colour and shape. Congrats!
    9. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Thanks also, Michelle!
      Yes, the strawberries are something different, most of the cameo glass I've seen has had floral designs. This one was definitely worth the wait!
    10. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Much appreciated, Peggy! I'm wishing a fab piece of cameo glass comes your way! :-)

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