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yale keymaker

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (105 items)

    I found this in my neighbors basement. Can find no information.

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    1. penguins_sid_geno, 15 years ago
      looks to be a key cutter to make copies of keys.
    2. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 15 years ago
      This is the Yale website. If you don't find something you can contact them.
    3. Larry Tanzyus, 14 years ago
      I've got one of these too. Can't find out what year, want to know how much it is worth, want to sell it. I think it was made pre 1930? Mine is on legs, it weas my grandfathers, and he used to make keys for us all of the time. Would love to find out more info.
    4. areliczone areliczone, 14 years ago
      It looks like we are in the same boat. Does yours have a pedel machine stand like a sewing machine? I thought of mounting it on a pedel sewing machine base. I would sell it for the right price. I don't know what the right price is. If I find more info., I will pass it on.
    5. bigbob, 14 years ago
      i got 1 also,so it's not that rare. i'd like a price also

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