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Sad Sack?

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I think that this is a statue of Sad Sack. He was a comic character from the 1940s - which i think that this piece is from around then. It's a great little character - probably won at a county fair. Sad Sack was a lowly army private who expected and got nothin' from nobody!

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Has a big nose like sad sack, but this is a hobo clown.
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      How in the world can a little figurine cause me to feel sorry for him?! That sad expression and his pants so much too big, as if he’s been hungry for way too long…..I just feel the need to feed him! :^(
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      a sad sign of the Great Depression.

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