Posted 3 years ago
(1197 items)
This table is 19.75" square and 23.5" high. The letters "KUU" are stenciled or stamped on the bottom and the word "ILLINOIS" is stamped into the triangular leg braces. Guessing this is a 1950-1960s table? Perhaps made in Illinois since it is stamped on the hardware. The tops appear to be laminated but the sides and legs are painted. The table is solid wood but not a hardwood. Maybe birch? Two of the metal bands on the legs have opened up and someone has Scotch taped them back together....
There may be more lettering on the hardware, but I will need to clean them up a bit to see if I can make anything out as they are a bit rusty. This table is in surprisingly good condition given its age. I had to go thrift shopping today to find a table and lamp for one of my spare rooms and found a couple of interesting pieces. Lamp post to follow. I found it at a different store but think it may be of the same period.
Calling it MCM. It may, or may not, be. Thoughts welcome!
Nice. Under the table, photo #4, is that a kitty paw sticking out ?
Yes it is! I forgot to give Charlie the "director credit"! Sorry Charlie!
We'd like to see Charlie.... Will Charlie be "directing" again?
I will get him in front of the camera during his next production.... Actually, he may have gotten some face time in this. I will have to check. I he did, I will update this post with a picture that he is in!
Great! Thanks. We're cat lovers too.
Charlie did get in this shoot but images not good. He is at my other house so I will get some shots of him this weekend. He was a semi-recent rescue and for some reason I have never taken pictures of him.... Poor old guy, dumped in a shelter in his old age.... Maybe his last owner died.... The shelter had no history on him. A mystery.
Thanks for checking out my thrift store table. I think it was $4.99.. Thanks WhenIsraelbelieves, Ben, dav2no1, Alfie21, Vynil33rpm, jscott0363, Jenni, Kevin, vcal, fortapache and Cisum!
Its a 70's beauty and far better than the laminated junk ones that appear every day !~
Thanks for your comments PhilDMorris! It is pretty nice shape, too. If I can find a local collector who likes it, I will give it to them as my cats will eventually scratch it up!
Thanks for loving my table Watchsearcher and PhilDMorris!