Posted 3 years ago
(230 items)
Took a drive up the blue ridge pkwy to a small village to check out some antique stores and have lunch at this old store/diner that still has original lunch bar and stools and wooden booths. Pretty cool decorated with old pop machines and jukebox .
Just looking at the picture of the stools and counter, I’m getting memories of ice cream cones piled high with big scoops of vanilla for a quarter…..
That is excellent. I look for places like this but they are hard to find.
looks like where I grew up sitting in the boots with friends on a cold day and milking a hot coffee for 10 cents till they told us to move on ...ha ha ha..
Thanks for sharing Ed! Enjoy your 4th!! :-)
thanks Watchsearcher, there was kids getting ice cream cones but I bet they were not .25 cents , hahaha
your right fortapache, don't see them often so its a treat when we do, just saw our local old music store burned down in old down town Vinton Va. sad...
What a time capsule :)
What songs were on the jukebox ?
Old things remind me of old days and old days were great days in my life. Candy was 1 cent and pop was 5 cents. Movie was 35 cents at the nice theaters. Gas was 20 cents. Political foes argued but didn’t hate. We mostly all went to the church of our choice. No one ever hurt kids. We knew which bathroom to use based on our “equipment”. It was a great life in those days before people tried to convince us that white is black and black is white.
Amen! Rattletrap knows what he’s talking about!
I wish we had those days back.
My cousins and I would walk to the store, but once we got out of sight of the house (and adult eyes) we would veer off the road and onto the railroad tracks which ran thru the woods and eventually ran by the store we were headed to. The tracks made for a more interesting walk, in our kid minds anyway.
My mother didn’t know about that till I told her about 50 years after the fact.
It’s not something I’d dare do now.
Rattletrap, I was looking at an old aerial picture of my dad’s first gas station a few days ago. I had to get a magnifying glass to see the price sign by the road…..29 cents a gallon!
Trey, sorry for late answer, jukebox had mostly 60s I think but I'll look closer next time I'm there .