Posted 3 years ago
(3472 items)
This may be the largest production vehicle made for 1/6 scale action figures. That would be the 12" GI Joe size. The M2 Bradley made by the same company may be larger. Hard to tell as I don't have the Bradley, yet.
The M5 is 32" long x 15" wide and 16" tall at the turret roof. It fills up a typical antique trunk. It is pretty much the ultimate toy/model.
It features opening hatches for the crew along with a stowage bin in the back. Not quite as detailed as the M3 Scout Car as far as moving parts go but it is well detailed. Has all the weld marks and so on of the real deal.
The real deal was a light tank or scout tank with a 37mm gun and three .30 cal machine gun. Wasn't great against other tanks in Europe but it was scout. In the Pacific it held its own against Japanese tanks. The main weapon was a radio. It is said the most dangerous thing on the battlefield is a radio and a man who knows how to use it.
Nice!! You have the coolest collection!!!
That is HUGE :) Very COOL :)
Thank you very much Scott.
And thank you very much Trey.