Posted 3 years ago
(1203 items)
This wood box is 12" long x 5.5" wide x 3" high. It has a monogram "AWD" on top on bottom is inscribed "xmas 1925". Perhaps made by a child for their parent? The monogram is made to be read from the back when the box is open. Not sure if that is significant. Joined with small nails.The monogram is very nearly my initials! The interior is very interesting so I will do a second post for that and for some closeups of the sides and hardware and like these two posts together. I was quite surprised when I opened the box. I will probably combine them into one post when I have access to better software.
This was a $1 thrift shop find and I figured it was worth saving.
Maker/owner a mystery. Perhaps reading local obits for the past few months might help, but the owner of this box would be aged, indeed.
Nice find and what a bargain!!
Thanks jscott0363! Worth saving...
Thanks for loving my wood box officialfuel, Justlooken12, blunderbuss2, Alfie21, Cisum, dav2no1, PhilDMorris, vcal, fortapache, Jenni, jscott0363, Watchsearcher, Kevin and Vynil33rpm!