Posted 3 years ago
(977 items)
Sixth plate tintype of a small child in a casket.
Probably dates from the late 1850s to early 1860s.
Nice gold tinting to jewelry and casket hardware. A tinted flower garland lays around the child.
Slight darkness to image reinforces the somber mood of the image.
My photos of my original tintype— do not copy or use in any form without permission.
I have a post mortem photo of a tintype of my great great great grandfather in his coffin at age 88 in 1868. He was still pretty good looking with a big white beard and long white hair. Glad to have it. Wish they had done one when he was alive. He was declared incompetent a couple of years before his death. Some late age senility in that line.
Nice to have that family photo! Surprising that a man of his age wasn’t documented in life.
Many folks find pm images disturbing, but in many cases (especially children) it was the only image of the deceased.
Thanks much fort.
Thanks for looking scott and vetraio.
Thanks much kiva.
Thanks watch.
Thanks tom!