Posted 3 years ago
(202 items)
I received this from my parents, and it was in need of love. It's a wonderful little bar that opens up to hold your favorite adult beverage. I tried to repair and paint it, did the best I could. Well, just wanted to share.
This is such a great item you could still use today, super modernist design. Nice job on the fixup it looks perfect
Oh thank you Newfld, that means a lot.
Thanks for the love, PhilDMorris Drake47, GianaMZ,sherrilou, vcal, fortapache, Cisum, AnythingObscure, and vetraio50.
Very cool. You need some Mothers Polish on that hardware.
Thanks dav2no1, just ordered some.
It only takes a little dab of it, way less than you would think. I use it on my Classic trucks.
Dav2no1, thank you for the information. I can't wait to try it.