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LFE/AUTOMATIC SIGNAL traffic light with double red indication

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    This one's the latest of my signal collection to get hung out over my patio this summer. (FAR better than it reclining, unseen and dark, in basement storage??!!) As pic one shows (despite the bad natural light angle) it is what's referred to as an "8-8-8-12" configuration, assembled of three sections with 8" lenses and one 12". In this case the top two 8" are both red (meant to be lit together) with 8" yellow below them, all above a 12" green left-turn arrow. (and for the record, it is a total and complete accident that it, like the Cincy Marbelite beside it that started this, both have the same 12" green arrows -- I'd completely forgotten that this light had one?!)

    The light is made of cast aluminum by LFE/Automatic Signal Division (Norwalk, CN) and is likely 1960's-70's in age. Their identification is cast into its backside, pic 3 is their now sorta famous (amongst collectors anyway?) "winged tire" logo on the back of the 8" sections, pic 4 is the back of the 12". It served its official duty somewhere in Raleigh, NC, gaining a wonderful patina to the original yellow paint job and hanging hardware in process. I obtained it as is from a fellow collector in that area after it was retired and replaced by that City.

    I now have it equipped (like my other outside signals) with 40w clear incandescent light bulbs, being realistically cycled by a small modern 'circuit board' controller hidden inside. This one -- at this moment anyway, and in its exact orientation outside my office window -- is also undoubtedly the **most visible** to passing traffic flowing by on the busy city street behind my backyard, even thru the overgrowth shrubs and trees out there now... ;-) :-) :-)

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      Double reds for any hard-heads who have to be told twice ;^)

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