Posted 3 years ago
(1207 items)
Some random cat paintings from my collection. I have quite a few original paintings of cats in my collection.
unnamed, Russ Stahr, 9.5" x 9.5", acrylic on wooden board. Russ Stahr is a self taught artist from Kalamazoo, MI. The board this was painted on was not prepped, it is just a plain board and the paint is not thick enough to conceal the grain of the board. I had never seen a composition like this before, and maybe not since, so could not resist it. I have had it for quite a few years.
"Prickly Perch", Angela Moulton, 5" x 7", oil. Her preferred medium is oils. but she also works in watercolor, fabric, and wood. She sells her work on ebay using the id prattcreekart. I bought these three paintings from her about 10-15 years ago, liking the spontaneity of her work and her color palette. It appears that she has not been active on ebay in some time. They are some of my favorite small cat paintings. Disappointed that she did not seem to be active any longer, I discovered that she now has her own web site:
"Two Playful Kittens", Angela Moulton, 6" x 6", oil
"Sleeping Cat #4", Angela Moulton, 8" x 8", oil
These are all super cat paintings Kevin, love them all - Prickly Perch is such a realistic pose, cats just love to look out the window
Thanks for the comments, Jenni! Angela does a good cat. I've only ever seen one other painting by Stahr and it was a psychedelic composition with several cats in it.
Thanks for the feline luv dav2no1, Watchsearcher, Cisum, fortapache, Alfie21, raven3766, Vynil33rpm, Jenni, Reise, Blammoammo and Daisy1000!
Thanks Kevin!
Thanks vcal!
Thank you sherrilou and PhilDMorris!
Thanks Justlooken12!
Belated thanks, Daisy1000!
Thank you, Leelani!