Posted 3 years ago
(2 items)
My father gave me these lighters which his father gave to him.
I don't know much about them and would welcome any information. I don't know which spring belongs to which and I am reluctant to try them as I don't want to force in given their states.
Thank you
The one on the far RH side should be a Zippo, next to it is either the guts that belong inside its case or those from a similar Zippo. Next left would be another liquid-fueled one in a different (but otherwise rather common) general design made by many others, the far left I don't recognize anything about offhand. (could it be butane fueled?) In all cases, any maker's info that would be on 'em will probably be on its bottom (except for the presumably Zippo guts that I don't believe had obvious makers marks because they didn't need to...Zippo's history as a cigarette lighter manufacturer is well documented) and should be reasonably easy to research further with a little online looking around. :-) The loose springs you show are holders for the 'flint' that'd spark such lighters into fire, if none of your lighters seems to obviously be missing a screw from its bottom somewhere (incl. the Zippo guts where it'd be kinda in the middle) they could be from other different lighters your grandfather had.
Thanks very much. I appreciate you taking the time.
I should have said the RH side two are zippo case and innards, and the middle is a ronson. Both have the makers on the base as you say.
I will check out the spring/screws and see if they will go in.
Thanks again.
Left one is possibly a triplex?
Left one looks most like IMCO-JUNIOR 6600.
Triplex is it's older and bigger brother from 1937, and my favourite lighter I'm still using and it works perfect.
Long spring at left bottom can be from any lighter, most probably butane - IMCO having different patented system. Right bottom is not a flint spring, it's bicycle tube valve.