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Mystery Pottery Vase - Burley Winter?

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (23 items)

    No apparent marks. Glaze looks like Burley Winter to me, but I am not familiar with this shape. Would appreciate any help identifying this pottery vessel.

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    1. art.pottery, 3 years ago
      Could you add a pic of the base?
    2. twentiethc, 3 years ago
      Double-hecked ... looked closely, definitely no marks. The pic I added shows the base
    3. twentiethc, 3 years ago
      Another possibility... could it be Roseville Crystalis? I'm still not familiar with the shape, but the glaze and style remind me of Roseville Crystalis too.
    4. art.pottery, 3 years ago
      Went through the Swingle/Stoin text, google image searched and then looked at hundreds of pics from a standard search - but no match for the form.

      Roseville Crystalis is an interesting suggestion. Again, no match for the shape, but I did find the linked example with a somewhat similar glaze.
    5. TallCakes TallCakes, 3 years ago
      not much help but the closest I'm finding for the form as buttressed orb vase is Teco:

      and the McCoy tulip ball vase is similar
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 2 years ago
      wow! what a beautiful form! i'd bet on Burley Winter, although it's the nicest form and glaze i've ever seen of their pieces. it does seem more the quality of a Roseville piece or Weller?
    7. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 2 years ago
      here's a similar one by Fulper [that company is full of surprises!].

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