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UP 844

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (30 items)

    The photo isn't "vintage", but that locomotive is the genuine article (though I cringe using the word "vintage" , in this manner).
    This is the only steam in the US, that was never retired. The UP couldn't seem to be able to resign themselves to the fact that those super powerful steam locomotives that they had developed were obsolete. Thus, they kept a "steam development program" active, and kept 4-8-4 "Northern" numbered 844, on the active roster. When steam excursions became popular, this locomotive became an overnight sensation. UP continues to use this loco, and a newly restored 4-8-8-4 "Big Boy" on their roster, as public relations tools.
    I certainly appreciate their efforts, which come at great expense, in keeping these engines serviceable, and operating. This photo was taken on the third occasion that I got to see this beautiful locomotive, newly restored to her original numbering of 844 (it had been renumbered 8444, in deference to a diesel roster, that needed the original number).
    I've taken several photos, at this location, which was the site of a one-time flag stop, known as Cobbler, on the UP River Subdivision, just south of Atherton (Eton Junction), Missouri.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      BLESS the Union Pacific Railway for their efforts/work/$$$ to keep just a few of these enormous machines still existing and running the rails, so's people like you (and me, and many more) can still enjoy their splendor. I've had the pleasure to view both #844 and #3985 myself, several times each actually, and even got to ride behind this badboy on an 'excursion adventure' -- there just ain't *nothing* comparable anymore.

      THANK YOU for sharing your photo, thus brightening my day with rekindled memories -- and LONG LIVE the "U P STEAM" operations!!
      <cheers><applause><choo-choo whistle>
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
    3. RVolskay RVolskay, 3 years ago
      Your appreciation, and kind remarks, have certainly brightened my day. I've never ridden behind these, but, in 1984, I rode behind the NW 611, which was also active, at that time. I found out, then, that I much prefer chasing them, to riding them. Strange, I must admit, but I felt like I was losing out, seeing the locomotive in the far distance. Either way, a gorgeous locomotive!

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