Posted 3 years ago
(2 items)
Hey all, this community was such an enormous help when identifying the last group of Pueblo pottery my organization handled, that we decided to reach out again for information on these new pieces we've acquired. We have only been able to successfully identify the Hattie Carl vase which we included with this post because it was part of the original owner's collection, and we hoped it could provide some context!
We are assuming that the platter is Hopi and the bowl Acoma but are not certain of these attributions and have no idea what era they could have been produced in, what style they are in, or what their value might be.
Any insight at all is appreciated. We are once again out of our depth and would love the perspective of some experts!
@canyonroad was wondering if you had any thoughts on these, your time and insight is much appreciated!
Sorry, I was away doing a show last weekend, and have had company all this week, so I didn't get a chance to check until just now.
The bowl is Isleta, from Isleta Pueblo, located on the southern edge of Albuquerque, New Mexico. This particular style, with the red scalloped border, white clay body with reddish-orange and black designs, was made only from the 1890s to the 1930s, by former Laguna Pueblo members, who moved to Isleta.
The bowl is Hopi Polacca ware, and probably dates 1890s to 1910, after which the Hopi turned largely to making the Sikyatki Revival style that is associated with Hopi today, and known simply as "Hopi Pottery."
The Hattie Carl piece is correctly identified. She was active 1900 to 1950, but started signing with her hallmark in 1925.
You can check current sites on line to see what similar pieces are selling for.
@canyonroad happy to hear that you've been busy, hope the show went well!
Thank you so much for saving the day again, my team will be delighted to learn their age and origin. I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me and provide us with all this information, you have been an enormous help.
Thanks again, hope to have some more beautiful pottery to show the forum soon!