Posted 3 years ago
(1207 items)
This iridescent cobalt sleeping glass cat paperweight is 4" long x 2.5" wide x 2" high. It is marked on the bottom with a five pointed crown above an "FG" or "FC" (probably FG). The mark is difficult to see and photograph as it is not very well defined. I can find nothing about this mark.
I love your iridescent cobalt blue glass cat Kevin, gorgeous sleeping pose!
What a sweet pose…so realistic :^)
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! Not a common style that I have seen.
Thanks for your comment Watchsearcher! My cat Shelby used to sleep like this.
Thanks for loving my cat paperweight Watchsearcher, Alfie21, Vynil33rpm, Cokeman1959, BHIFOS, Blammoammo, Jennifer and dav2no1!
Thanks Cisum!
Thanks Kevin, blunderbuss2 and AnythingObscure!
Thanks PhilDMorris and vcal!
Thanks for checking out my glass cat fortapache and Daisy1000!
Added better images of the mark on the bottom. The bottom is shiny, not iridescent.
Added this to, a slightly more international forum, and after 100 views of the mark on that site, it remains a mystery. Guessing it must be a new company or a very small, older company's mark. Sigh!
thanks Karen! Over 160 views on and still no I'd on the maker! :(
Over 200 views on and still no I'd on the maker! :(
I am officially despondent. Over 300 views on and no id. Not even any guesses. Sigh.
Over 400 views on and no id.
Over 500 views on glassmessages and still no id on the maker of this little sleeping cat. Not sure what to think!