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Tischer vase karlsbad

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Art Glass1337 of 23533Loetz: PN III 826, 1916/17/18 Early Loetz Vase in an Agate-like Decor with Enameling
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (2 items)

    I came across 2 of these vases and can't find much info about them. I'm new to this site so if my posting for any information that could be helpful is not sop i do apologize ( I'm not looking for an appraisal merely any information on origin and such) I think they are somewhat unique and do like the patterns used. Thank you for your time.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 3 years ago
    2. kairomalte, 3 years ago
      R.Tischer had a glass refinery in the Bohemian town of Karlsbad, besides others, he most often used glass from Harrach - the signature P 19/10. on your vase points to Harrach, too - and refined those by artful décors. The peak production might have been arround 1880-1900.
    3. CjWooki CjWooki, 3 years ago
      Thank you so much for the information i greatly appreciate your input.

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