Posted 3 years ago
(516 items)
One of the most poignant moments of growing up in this era was the Kent State Massacre. The outrage was felt from coast to coast. I am not convinced in the era we now live that a similar event would cause the reactions it did. I was ending up my Junior year in High School, a time when you are making college plans and seeing reps from various schools so it was easy for me to identify with these college kids. My older brother was in college at the time, and I heard first hand their reaction, their protests and their attempts to shut the University down. ... See the power a piece of paper, torn at the bottom has. Glad I added it to my collection.
You still haven't sent me an address to send that pin to.
Hey Blunderbuss2 - Just emailed it to you. Many, many thanks!!!
No problem, Mon ! Just have to find somebody to mail it in the States now.