Posted 2 years ago
(1197 items)
This print has a visible image of 8" x 12". Thrift shop find today. There is a repaired tear in the upper right corner. Not sure what the story behind these AP prints is. There are some on ebay. Guessing these are not "Artist's Proofs" in the traditional sense, probably just mass produced and called APs as a marketing gimmick. It was just so well framed and presented, however, I could not resist paying $12 for it. Whoever had it removed from the card it was on may have assumed it was actually an AP. Looks like they spent some money on this but did kind of a half-assed job of getting it off the card it was on. Guessing they did not float it off using a chemical process, just pulled it off.
Must of been a viscous cat ..those ate some blurry pictures.
**are** we need an edit button.
Yeah, I was gone for few days and she was making up for the head butts she had missed. Will get better images tomorrow. I hope!
Thanks for loving my Remington print Alfie21, Kevin, Daisy1000, Jenni, vcal, dav2no1, fortapache, Cisum and Vynil33rpm!
Updated images!