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Part 10 The Bell P-39 Airacobra Brooches, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Joined In The Historical Research.

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    Posted 2 years ago

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    On June 9, 2022, a "Package" was compiled containing hard copies of historical findings resulting from 10 years of research focusing on the educational and historical aspects concerning the two most historically secret, priceless and invaluable, Bell P-39 Airacobra "Diamond and Platinum" , ( June, 1942 ), as well as the "Silver, Platinum and Gold", GVII, Bell P-39 Airacobra, ( July, 1945 ), Brooches. This "Package" contained both published and non-published information relating to the two brooches. Both brooches were "SECRETLY" presented to Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell, Founder of The Bell Aircraft Company by King Peter II, of Yugoslavia, who was the Godson and Envoy of King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, of The United Kingdom, Great Britain. ---- The country of Yugoslavia was invaded by Hitler's German forces, April 6, 1941. ---- Note: The first presentation took place June, 1942, at the Wheatfield Plant of the Bell Aircraft Company. -- King Peter II, ( King Petar II ), was 18 years old. ---- According to "The United States House of Representatives, History, Art and Archives", King Peter II addressed "The United States Congress" on June 25, 1942. ---- Also note, that the Country nor the Military of Yugoslavia - never - ordered, purchased, nor did it utilize the Bell P-39 Airacobra at any time during World War Two. -- In a time of war, June, 1942, the only person that could arrange, sanction, allow and authorize, a "British Royal Air Force" bomber ( RAF ), to make the trip from Great Britain, The United Kingdom, to the United States of America, with the sole purpose of transporting King Peter II, would have been King George VI, of The United Kingdom. ---- During this same time period, ( June, 1942 ), British P. M. Winston Churchill, also made the trip to The United States from Scotland, United Kingdom, on a separate and private, BOAC Bristol, flight. -- King George VI and Winston Churchill had a meeting the night before Churchill's departure to The United States. ------- Upon their arrival in The United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, P. M. Winston Churchill and King Peter II held a meeting at The White House, in Washington, D. C.. ------- Approximately 9,588 P-39 Airacobra fighters were produced by The Bell Aircraft Company during World War Two. The British Royal Air Force , the R A F, purchased approximately 1,100 P-39 Airacobra. --------------- Note: April 15, 1942, King George VI presented the "George Cross" , "GVI", to the people of Malta, physically presented by Governor Lord John Gort. ------- In June, 1942, King George VI presented The Bell P-39 Airacobra diamond and platinum commendation / brooch to Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell, physically and secretly presented by King Peter II. -------- Also see, "The Stalingrad Sword" presented by King George VI, November 29, 1943, physically presented to Marshal Joseph Stalin by Prime Minister Winston Churchill. ------- In July, 1945, King George VI presented The Bell P-39 Airacobra, silver, gold and platinum, "GVII", commendation / brooch, to Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell, physically and secretly presented by King Peter II. ------------- Following the two secret presentations, ( June 1942 and July 1945 ), to Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell, both brooches were immediately and physically placed in a Bank Trust -- at -- Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles, Trust # B-1540. -- No known pictures were taken of the brooches/commendations, and none of the information was made public concerning the secret presentations. Note: There were internal Bell Aircraft Company photographs taken on the first visit of King Peter II, in June 1942. There were no known photographs taken during King Peter II's second visit to Bell Aircraft's Wheatfield Plant in July 1945. Both Royal visits were documented in Bell Aircraft's monthly internal news publication, "The Bellringer". --------- Both P-39 Airacobra Brooches have been kept in a bank vault for over 80 years. They have never been placed on public display. --------- This "Package" contained a very extensive collection of historical data and information, insurance policies, bank correspondence, lawyers correspondence, electronic correspondence, pictures, dates, meetings, people, institutions, museums, information from "The United States Department of History", in Washington D.C., "The British Royal Archives", London, England, and corporations that assisted in the research and data collection. This "Package" included the "Precious Metal", -- "Certificates of Analysis" -- test results and findings, that were independently and voluntarily, supervised and conducted by, "Koved Technical, LLC.", representing and arranged by - "The Thermo-Fisher Scientific Corporation". ----------- Also included in this "Package" was a 3 page letter addressed to "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II", explaining the 'who', 'what', 'when', and 'where' of the 10 years of world wide research. This letter also explained that "Her Majesty" had the "immediate and final word" on any and all changes, deletions, adds to, and/or corrections to the historical findings included in the research documentation provided. ---------- On June 9, 2022, the "Package" was mailed -- as follows ---- DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE, to "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN", BUCKINGHAM PALACE, SW1A 1AA, UNITED KINGDOM. - Package ID: 672844, - Tracking # 9059084532. ---------- The "package" was delivered to and signed for, at Buckingham Palace, London, UK, -- on -- Monday, June 13, 2022. ------------- "Her Majesty's Response Letter", from Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom, dated August 9th, 2022 was received in The United States, Monday, August 15, 2022. --------- As per "Her Majesty's Response Letter", Her Majesty joined in the research by consulting with the British Royal Archives for information relating to gifts presented by King Peter II, during this time period. ( approximately 1940 thru 1945 ), this also included information search, pertaining to the two P-39 Airacobra brooches. -- Except for personal and religious events, there was no information found relating to these subjects. ---- "Her Majesty" also suggested that information relating to King Peter II might be held at "The Lambeth Palace Library", housed in the "Lambeth Palace", 15 Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7JT, -- Home of "The Church of England". -- Correspondence from Wayne Fortune, Assistant Archivist, at "The Lambeth Palace Library", revealed only information of personal and/or religious events and activities concerning King Peter II. ( correspondence dated, August 25, 2022 ) ----- Wayne Fortune also suggested an informational search be conducted at " The National Archives Discovery" in London. This search was completed, August 28, 2022, with the same result, only information of a personal and/or religious content was revealed. ------- These 3 British Royal search findings, "solidifies" and "verifies", many years of previous research results and findings. ------- The above three Royal information searches indicates that the two P-39 Airacobra Brooches, combined with the historical information concerning King Peter II's overall financial and political condition, reveals that the two P-39 Airacobra Brooches -- "did not" -- originate from King Peter II, of Yugoslavia. ------------- These three British Royal information searches indicates that the two P-39 Airacobra Brooches / Commendations presented to Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell, of The Bell Aircraft Company, were "Secretly Originated", "Secretly Commissioned" and "Secretly Presented" by King George VI of The United Kingdom / Great Britain. --------------- King Peter II played a critical part in British / American relations and communications between President Franklin D. Roosevelt, President Harry S. Truman, The United States Congress, The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and King George VI of The United Kingdom / Great Britain. during World War Two. ----------- King Peter II never abdicated as King of Yugoslavia, and would be considered a citizen of Yugoslavia. ---- Even though King Peter II was distantly related to King George VI of the United Kingdom / Great Britain, -- he would not be considered a member of the immediate British Royal Family, and would not be included, or covered by "British Royal Warrants" granted by King George VI. -------- "The British Crown Jeweller", during this time period, was Garrard & Company, LTD., London, Managed by Sabastian Henry Garrard, also known as Major "Harry" Garrard of the British Military. ------- At the beginning of World War Two, the P-39 Airacobra fighter aircraft was a "Top Level Military Secret", both in the United States and The United Kingdom, the only Jeweler that could have been trusted with the mechanical drawings and design information of the Bell P-39 Airacobra, would have been "The British Crown Jeweller", Major "Harry" Garrard, of "Garrard & Company". London, England, during the reign of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, the parents of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. --------- During World War Two, as "The British Crown Jeweller", only Garrard & Co., had "in-house", security, diamond cutters, platinum / silver and goldsmiths, a staffed engineering department, and, "in-house access" to "precious metals", diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. ------------- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, offered "no" comments, changes, recommendations, and/or, suggestions, per "Her Majesty's Response Letter", dated August 9th, 2022, to make any changes, deletions, adds to, and/or corrections to the historical and educational information supplied, for "Her Majesty's" review, of the "Package" of information supplied, concerning the two "Secret" Bell P-39 Airacobra brooches / Commendations. ---- As stated in Her Majesty's response letter, the two brooches "WERE PRESENTED" to Lawrence Dale "Larry" Bell by King Peter II ---- but ---- the two brooches were not "SENT BY" King Peter II. ---- King Peter II was the Godson and Envoy of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, of Great Britain, and The United Kingdom. -------- Therefore, all historical and educational information, as well as the data and findings, contained within the research documentation supplied to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, "will remain as stated, described and documented". ----- Her Majesty's "Response Letter" was dated August 9th, 2022. -------------- It is with "Great Admiration, Respect, and Sorrow", -- "Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II" passed away September 8th, 2022, -- 30 days after the "Response Letter" was written and dated. -- We are truly thankful for "Her Majesty's" assistance, knowledge, attention and time devoted to this historical research project. ------------------ Tap on each of the 4 above pictures to magnify and review. -- From left to right -- Picture # 1, the Bell P-39 Airacobra diamond and platinum brooch presented June, 1942 -- Picture #2, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Coat of Arms of Buckingham Palace per Her Majesty's letter head -- Picture #3, "Her Majesty's Letter Of Response" envelope "Royal Postage Stamp" and date of mailing. -- Picture # 4, "Her Majesty's" Letter of Response signed by Mrs. Celia Guy, "Her Majesty's" Correspondence Manager, Buckingham Palace. ---- Note; due to limited space, the second brooch, the Silver, GVII, P-39 Airacobra Brooch, presented July, 1945, is not pictured in this posting. -------- this research is on going ------- For information of a historical and/or educational nature, -- Google, -- Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 The Bell P-39 Airacobra Brooches. ---- For questions , comments, or information of a historical and/or educational nature, -- contact, Wayne Hugh Long, ---- email, ---- ( updated 3/6/2023 )

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