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Fixed Blade Knives18 of 780Weapons Wednesday World War One German Ersatz BayonetKnife
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1778 items)

    The CHICAGO CUTLERY model PC-1 is reasonably contemporary and in fact still probably produced today, otherwise commercial grade cutlery for chefs that use cleavers to actually create our dinner plates in restaurants. (I have a collection of various CC commercial kitchen tools too...)

    The other one is obviously older and more heavy duty (notice how much thicker the back edge of its blade is in the pics) and is unmarked so I know nothing whatsoever about it. Its handle is/was also likewise more complicated (expensive) to make by whoever made it, with what looks like an aluminum ferrule holding its (maybe bakelite?) handle to its blade with brass rivets, which itself is slightly smaller (though heavier) than the Chicago example.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 2 years ago
      "Why can't we just get into the running car?? NO, let's go hide behind the chainsaws"...

      I have no earthly idea why that quote from that TV commercial (prolly a decade or so ago?) popped into my brain right now...but cleavers...chainsaws...uhhh...something like that...?? <crazy>

      HAPPY HOLIDAZE, to all my friends here at CW S&T, wherever you all are and whatever time it is when you might read this. May 2023 treat each and every one of us somehow slightly better than it tends to seem 2022 did to each and every one of us, but most of us have otherwise survived anyway to keep trying for better.

      All my best to all of you, AO. [aka Tim] :-)

    2. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Happy holidays AO

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