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K*R antique doll

In Dolls > German Dolls > Show & Tell.
German Dolls2 of 268Tiny Schildkrot German Celluloid Doll. Early turtle markPlease help with information….thanks!
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1 item)

    Does anyone know anything about this lovely little doll. Her eyes open and close. Head has K star R on the back. Her arms and legs move but not at the knees or elbows. The legs/shoes look hand painted. She is just under 25cm tall. I’ve been told she is a German doll.

    Any information would be much appreciated.


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    1. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Hi, RDelan. :-)

      CW user Manikin is the resident doll expert. Until she sees your post, here are some tidbits to tide you over:

      Manikin will be able to identify and date your doll more precisely.
    2. RDelan, 2 years ago
      Keramikos, thanks for the comment. Very interesting reading in the link you sent too so thank you very much. Hopefully manikin will see the post and maybe know a bit more about the lovely doll.
    3. Manikin Manikin, 2 years ago
      Simon Halbig and K*R doll (Kämmer & Reinhardt) . Simon Halbig made some ofthe most beautiful quality dolls. Eventually Krammern$ Rienhart bought out Simon &Halbig. She is German and appears to be dressed in a ceremonial gown that could be original to her .Dates 1900-20. Gorgeous !!!!!!!
    4. Manikin Manikin, 2 years ago
      I would like a close up of face. She may have a replaced wig does it look synthetic to you ?
    5. RDelan, 2 years ago
      Wow, that’s great information thank you manikin. I’ve changed a couple of the photos to show her face close up. The gown does seem very old so you’re probably right about it being original. Her hair doesn’t seem synthetic, it feels and looks just like human hair. Very pretty little thing she is.

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