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Enameled Copper Tile

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I have not seen one of these before - an enameled copper tile. it's kind of thick [for copper] and 3 inches square. It has a section where the enamel is very thin or chipped - i cant tell. the lines in the enamel are not visible when holding it in my hands - just in the photo.

    although i'm putting it in ceramic tiles, it's not ceramic, but that was the closest category i could find.

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    1. artfoot artfoot, 2 years ago
      Enamel on copper was a popular crafts medium in the 1950s. There are a few big names like Jade Snow Wong, and others I've forgotten, that successfully exploited the medium but I think a lot of the examples may have been done in crafts classes and maybe even home garages. I also think this is an unfortunately overlooked field of collectables.

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