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Czech vase with paperwork

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Bohemian Art Glass67 of 6681Ernst Steinwald and Co. - formerly KralikA rare Harrach 'Early Japonisme' Vase.
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (236 items)

    Here is a 7 1/2" footed behive vase with crown. There is the original paperwork declaring premium quality and real gold. Hugh?

    I don't see gold... but these pieces could have been sold with gold leaf decorating common to that time. This form is replicated and copied in from many makers. I could do a shape study and it would show over 10 shapes. The decor is confetti on confetti in satin finish. The labels were wrapped around foot when I purchased it.

    Please let me know what you think, who made it or who the "N with crown" mark could be from

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      A little comfusing..not my expertise..
      Label seems to be Italian.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Also note the label says "Capodimonte STYLE"
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 2 years ago
      A Runaway Label. Capodimonte is a ceramic firm of some note.
    4. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      Agree with Kevin, I think this is a label from another item. Just going by the sans serif style font used on the label I think it possibly dates somewhat later than this vase. Sans serif fonts were a distinctly modernist statement - seen as fairly cutting edge in the 1920s but in much more general use by the 1950s - 60s. What material is the small N badge on the cord? It looks like some kind of moulded plastic to me which also possibly suggests a mid 20th century date...
    5. artfoot artfoot, 2 years ago
      I also think this tag is a mismatch for the glass. The "N with crown" is a well-known Capodimonte logo. Nice glass though.
    6. sklo42 sklo42, 2 years ago
      I collected these 'beehives' for a while and have five. All had spatter decors of some sort which I could never identify. I can only put my hands on three now. I'll do a post of them for comparison as you can't add an image to a comment.

    7. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Yes. I was thinkingbthe label belongs to some ceramic figures not the vase.

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