Posted 2 years ago
(1207 items)
This cylindrical, Chinese ceramic vase is about 7" high x 3.5" diameter. It is hand painted and has a painted inscription and kiln mark. Guessing it is pretty recently made. I have better images of the kiln mark but will have to wait to get access to better software before I can inset it into one of these images. The message says "Bamboo Message of Peace" in traditional Chinese writing. The red mark is probably a kiln mark but I could not identify it. This may be a brush pot for calligraphy.
Goodwill find today. I think I have seen this there before, but pickings were slim. A group of pickers showed up while I was there and were talking about the closing of the thrift shop a couple of blocks from my house. I later found out that it did not close but moved about three miles away, making it fairly inconvenient for me to visit it.
Beautiful bamboo design, so serene
Brush pot?
Nice no matter it's use
Thanks for your comments, Jenni! I like that it is decorated on all sides!
Thanks for your comments, Karen! It would work very well as a brush pot, I think! Guessing the inscription is a clue to its purpose.
Thanks for loving my probably Chinese vase/pot Watchsearcher, Searching1, Karen, Jenni, vcal and dav2no1!
Thanks fortapache and Kevin!
Thanks Drake47, blunderbuss2 and Kevin!
Thanks Vynil33rpm!