Posted 2 years ago
(3483 items)
I seem to having some trouble finding information on this one. I was thinking Lambis but it seems a bit small for that. It is about 5=6" long. I think I have seen this one before and if I recall it was venomous. I am now going for Spider Conch which is also a Lambis
Got a few more shells but I took a photo of showing the name it should be a bit easier.
Very cool shell, really looks like a spider
Harpago..sea snail according to the interweb..
You were spot on with the "spider conch".
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much Dave for the research.
I like the Queen Conch. Great eating. I luv fried instead of in chowder. Guess this isn't the info our people are looking for. LOL
Close enuf BB2. I'll have to try conch some time.
The specialty of my club in Jamaica. All in the tenderizing.