Posted 2 years ago
(3472 items)
Up first is the WWII Russian Soldier. Looks like he is dressed for summer. The Russian soldiers are always very well sculpted and posed. Interesting choice by Marx as these were sold in the US and the Soviets were the opposition at that point. They were supposed to be fighting the WWII Germans but it was up to the kids at that point.
Second is the US Marine which can stand in for a US Army soldier. This one is well armed with a Thompson submachinegun and a .45 pistol. Would probably be an officer or sergeant. The officers usually carried an M1 carbine but a Thompson would be a viable alternative. This guy has a lot of flash so probably late in the run.
I have a few more army man figures to post and you may or may not want to stay tuned for those.
If I may, the Russian officer carried the PPSH - 41 Submachine Gun among other weapons. If you look closely you can see the ventilated barrel guard. The US Military did carry the Thompson, but with the stick magazine and it did not have that same ventilated barrel guard. The drum had problems in the field and were less reliable. I carried the 45 cal M3 grease gun. The perfect submachine gun when you need to send a lot of bullets down range, plus it used the same bullet as the M1911.
As for handguns, the Russians used a Tokarev TT-33. Looks like an american 1911, but with a different caliber.
Thank you very much Mystaples for the additional information. The M3 was often used by tankers. Were you in an armored vehicle by any chance?
Yes I was, HHC 3rd Bn 33rd Armor. At the time we were part of the 3rd Armored Division.
Excellent information.
Thanks for your service “MyStaplers”