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Rockwell electronic calculator, circ 1976.

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Calculators3 of 67Vintage Electric Burroughs Adding Machine series HMy Unicom 141P Calculator, also known as the Busicom 141 PF
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (351 items)

    Purchased a few months ago from an online nostalgic store. In 1976 whilst working at the dhss office at 42 Moseley rd in Birmingham as a clerical officer the staff were issued with these calculators to work out claimants benefits, these calculators replaced the old benefit calculations books as these calculators were much faster to use. It was the start of the advance of technology which saw computers arrive in dhss offices in 1984 onwards. Receipt dated 10th may 1976 the uk price on the receipt is £9:70.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      I can really identify with this post. As a brand new RN in 1976, I was gifted my very own calculator (not sure of the brand). It was SO special that I took it to a jewelry store and had my name engraved on it…..they mis-spelled my name!
      I wish I still had it for old-times sake. :^)
      To make it right, the store bought an identical calculator and engraved it correctly.

      Thanks for the memories!
    2. michaeln544 michaeln544, 2 years ago
      Thanks watch searcher for your reply. These rockwell calculators were bought by the government for use by its staff so I was not allowed to keep mine or take it home at night
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 2 years ago
      That’s funny, Michael!
    4. michaeln544 michaeln544, 2 years ago
      Thanks again all for your interest.

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