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30's Mickey Mouse Reveil Bayard Alarmclock with original box

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hi Folks,

    I am very happy with my 'treasure of the year'! Last month I found this beautyful Reveil Bayard alarm clock of Mickey. Yesterday it has arrived. It also has the original box and original wrapping paper. The box is in good shape and the colors are bright. I feel so lucky i found this, as the box seems to be very rare and extremely hard to find! So i thought, why not share this with you ;) Greetings from Holland!

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Here's one posted on CW..
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      And another one..
    3. pAul72 pAul72, 2 years ago
      Yes I saw these beauty’s a while ago and fell in love with this beautiful clock and box. Hard to find and last month I saw one for sale, and now I feel so lucky!
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      A piece of beauty, congrats on this purchase ! Its sad that Kerry seems to have left CW, he knew so much about these, and his collection was the very best !~
    5. pAul72 pAul72, 2 years ago
      That is sad indeed… I knew these clocks have been made in the 30s, I also have a later model of this clock, I guess from the 50s or 60s… but the later models don’t have such a nice illustrated box. This model including the illustrated box are so hard to find, glad I found one!

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