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Chevrolet Service Sign

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Porcelain Signs15 of 996Cities Service SignTexaco Lubster
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (950 items)

    Imagine cruising all the back streets of a tiny Idaho town and your wife spotting this cool sign on a guys garage! That’s exactly what happened to us a few years ago. Obviously I couldn’t find the people home and when I finally did get in touch with them the owner had no interest in selling the sign. The rest of the story is in the pix but it took a long time to make it happen. Persistence pays off! Sometimes!

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    1. Trey Trey, 2 years ago
      Nice Find Sparky :) I got a Chevy sign I’ve been working on since August 25,2021. Finally got it on Sunday. It pays to keep in contact with people.
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 2 years ago
      I happened to call this guy one day while he was on a lake fishing and offered him $1K cash and he must have not been catching anything as he shocked me and said OK! We were at his house in Idaho the next day! With the crispy cash and screwdriver in hand. 80 yr old guy on the top step of a ladder in the bed of a truck I isn’t brilliant! U do what u gotta do!
    3. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 2 years ago
      Thx for the luv it

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