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Tokoname teapot, Unzen by Mr. Kouzou Nakano, 1980

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (1207 items)

    This teapot is about 4" high minus handle and lid x 4.25" top diameter x 3.25" bottom diameter x 6" handle to spout and heavily inscribed. There is writing on both sides of the pot and a mark under the spout. This is Japanese Tokoname ware. Text probably includes a kiln mark and possibly name of potter and some sort of theme. All inscriptions not shown. I will have wait until I have access to better software to show all of the inscriptions.

    Found the potter's mark on this site:

    I contacted this link and received the following information which included the artist's image and data from a book, including images of his work. I also asked if the numerous potters I found using the surname "Nakano" were related.

    "Please find an attached copy of artist book. This is issued in 1980.
    Mr. Kouzou NAKANO
    Member of Shinsei Teapot Assoc.
    Hand-made Slip casting : Teapot Teacup'

    Nakano is popular family name in Japan. So, I don’t know they are relatives or not."

    The shape is atypical for Tokoname kyusu, which typically have clay handles which are part of the pot.

    A $1.99 GW find.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      Classic and beautiful shape.
    2. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for your comment, Karen!

      Thanks for loving my teapot Dia127, Kevin, Vinyl33rpm, dav2no1, Karen and PhilDMorris!
    3. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Beautiful teapot, the orange color is really pretty - nice addition to your wonderful teapot collection Kevin
    4. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, Jenni! It was a great find.

      Thanks for stopping by fortapache, vcal, Jenni, Falcon61, jbingham95 and jscott0363!
    5. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      I think it looks like a watering can which I love about it !~
    6. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, PhilDMorris! It does, doesn't it!

      Thanks for loving my kyusu sherrilou, Reise, PhilDMorris, Kevin, jscott0363, jbingham95, Falcon61, Jenni and vcal!

      I contacted the Tokaname link and got some information on the artist, which I will add to the post.
    7. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for checking out my tea pot kivatinitz and Searching1!
    8. rhineisfine rhineisfine, 2 years ago
      What a gorgeous teapot! I love the shape, it's very graceful and certainly different for Tokoname. Wonderful find.
    9. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, rhineisfine! I was quite surprised to find it. It still had the two original pieces of tape on it to hold the lid on. Probably a souvenir of a 1980 vacation to Japan.

      Thanks for loving my Tokoname teapot rhineisfine and ho2cultcha!
    10. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thank you, finders9!
    11. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Thank you, Cisum!

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