Posted 2 years ago
(3445 items)
Moving right along. This post features the Avalanche on Blizzard Ridge and Search for the Spanish Galleon sets. Blizzard Ridge is the only set that came with a Steve Scout figure and he is still tied to the backing card here. The Spanic=sh Galleon features swim trunks and scuba gear plus a raft that actually floats with Steve Scout in it. .
Last is the High Adventure Tower that is in another room. It is one of the coolest the coolest thing ever. Even GI Joe can use this. A few more would make a good cavalry fort. Still much more work to do on the the displays so stay tuned.
Your Scout action pix today are really awesome fort, the High Adventure Tower with the guy climbing up is super cool
These scouts get up to some exciting shenanigans!
Thank you very much Newfld. The tower needs a post of its own.
Thank you very much racer4four. They do indeed.
Spending an afternoon at your home would likely turn into a week, great taste takes its prisoners !~