Posted 2 years ago
(260 items)
Reddy Kilowatt Presenting Some Matches and Stuff
Here my buddy Reddy , a business card holder, can hold up a full book of matches.... good job Reddy.
I threw in an unfired lighter from 1961 and an ashtray to complete the photo.
Thanks Much for looking at my Post!
I love Reddy and I know I tried to buy one not too long ago but got nowhere and there seemed to be none out there, he must be extremely rare !~
WoWzWoW + KooLieO = Reddy kilowatt
Reddy has such a great image, looks so cool on all the items pictured
Thanks Much to PhilDMorris, Vynil33rpm, and Newfld for stopping by to leave some nice comments!
@ PhilDMorris... that's because I have most of them.... :)