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‘Bejewelled’ paperweight

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Art Glass Paperweights20 of 686Little Chinese glass paperweightsJoe Rice bell shaped paperweight.
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (59 items)

    I am very fond of this paperweight,although, the chaotic pattern sometimes perturbes me . In general I like patterns to be uniform (how sad of me)! And this one is certainly not.
    I think of the little nuggets of colour as little jewels and, when the light shines on it, it throws a pretty pattern onto the surfaces around it.
    I don’t know the maker and can’t see a signature upon it but it’s lovely any way!

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    1. Elainep Elainep, 2 years ago
      Thanks very much for the love from vinly33rpm, dav2no1 and fortapache. Much appreciated.
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 years ago
      A lot of times I like my paperweights to have a light under them and it really gives these designs a life of their own !~
    3. Elainep Elainep, 2 years ago
      Hi PhilDMorris I do believe you’re correct my husband is putting up a glass shelf with under lighting and we’ll see how that works. I tried underlighting the blue cobalt one I had on show and tell -the light revealed a wolf as the structure and smaller wolves walking in. The sides of the blue colour were teeth! That one will have to find a new home! Off to the local charity shop with a wolf phobic warning!
      Thanks to you and to sherrilou for the love much appreciated.
    4. Elainep Elainep, 2 years ago
      Thanks Newfld for the love - much appreciated.
    5. Elainep Elainep, 2 years ago
      Thanks very much to vcal for the love

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