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Leon Hatot ATO Slave clock, 1926

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Art Deco Clocks2 of 344Arthur F. Poole, Gravity Electric Clock, Model 71, "Romanesque" 1928, serial number 100221933 Lawson  Model 34
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (152 items)

    ATO clocks are unique in that they are powered by impulse by means of a magnet which swings between positive and negative poles. Leon Hatot took that impulse idea and applied it to other "slave" clocks that receive their impulses from a Master clock that has the swinging pendulum in another room. The slave clocks are connected to the master by two terminals, show on the top of this clock. They are not positive or negative connectors and do not need to be, because the master clock sends the slaves its positive and negative charges, the slaves however need to be wired the same.
    These charges power a magnetic escapement in the slave clock that teeters back and forth from the impulses that it gets and moves the hands of the slave to match that of the master. I can activate this slave by putting a "D" cell battery on the connectors and alternating them to cause the hands to move.
    Just how practical master and slave clocks would be for the home is another story. The batteries used to power this type of operation can go up to a 24 volt battery for a large number of these clocks like a large office.
    The last picture is Leon Hatot's drawing explaining the Master and Slave clocks.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 2 years ago
      Fascinating. 1920s wifi.
      I have looked him up now, what an interesting man, and he had such an inventive and clever mind. His other inventions, self winding watches, radio wave clocks, and his early work on electric clocks must make him a large figure in horology.
      Thanks for the info, added to my large pile of I never knew.

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