Posted 2 years ago
(559 items)
I can't tell you anything about the sculptor Kono Ryoko, as all I know was what the ad said, which is the name of the work and the maker.
I do know that Sato is a girl with great attitude who makes me smile.
Adorable pony tailed girl feeling the rain on her upturned face, such a beautiful sculpture
she seems to feel with joy the caress of the rain on her face
Very cute sculpture Karen!!
Isn't she adorable Jenni! So on the mark.
Thanks, as usual a great comment
A childish joy Sylvia, I wish I could feel it more these days.
Thank you
Cute, yes, very cute. Thanks Scott!
So much attitude is portrayed here !~
I love this, Karen! Is it aluminum?
I never said did I Kevin!
Yes, she’s aluminium or an alloy of it.
Interesting because I can’t see any casting lines and her ponytail in particular would have been difficult.
It could have been worked after casting to remove the sprue and mold lines...
Hi Karen.. what a wonderful "alive" piece, Such personality !
Hey Karen,
Latest Posts order is fixed!
This is an awesome statue!!!
So much expression in that face.. love it
indeed she likes to feel the rain in her face......
Thanks Sue, Penny, and Sylvia.
Her face is very expressive
What a lovely sculpture -- very charming and expressive!
I was able to find the kanji (Japanese characters) for the artist. Unfortunately this website doesn't allow special characters such as kanji, or even the inclusion of macrons (length symbols) on the long O-s in her name, but her name can be transliterated as KOUNO Ryouko -- family name first.
Anyway, if you go to this webpage, you will find the results on a Google search for her name plus the word "sculptor" (I didn't include the original search link as it is hugely long and might break!):
There wasn't a lot I could find, and none of it seemed to include any information on the artist, but at least you can see some other examples of her work! (Ryouko or Ryoko is a woman's name) The first hit is your statue, or at least, another copy of it :)
Thanks to rhineisfine I could find this website: